Your self-service portal
In addition to submitting timesheets and expenses, you have access to the following functions:
- Key placement detail
- Your profile information
- Reporting of historical placement data – as of 1st January 2024
- View individual timesheet history – as of 1st January 2024
- Viewing and printing payslips, self-bill invoices and remittances.
Accessing RSM InTime
To get started with InTime, use the URL provided in your welcome email -
The email will have been sent from
Please check your junk mail if you cannot see it in your inbox.
If you haven’t received a welcome email at this point please reach out to our RSM In-Time support team (details at the bottom of this document).
You will be prompted for your username which can also be located in your welcome email.
Lastly you will be prompted for your password, which will have been sent to you in a follow-up email directly after your welcome email, for security reasons.
Your homepage
Once you have logged in you will be presented with the main RSM InTime homepage. The navigation menu is located
across the top of the page.
The menu bar options will include the following as shown above:
- A multi square icon – taking you back to your homepage.
- Timesheets – this provides access to new, draft and previously submitted timesheets, and a timesheet search function.
- Expenses – which allows you to submit new and access historical expense claims.
- Pay – provides ability to access invoices and credit notes.
- Compliance – to facilitate information requests from our compliance team and respond appropriately.
- Profiles - this gives details of your placements and associated clients.
In the top right-hand corner of your screen.Your name – Click on this, options appear for you to:
1. Update your personal details.
2. Change password.
3. Exit InTime.
Bell Symbol – Advises you of notifications.
Your dashboard
As you scroll down your homepage, your personal dashboard will provide you with a real-time status of your current
placement information, timesheets, expenses, and contract documentation that you can easily access directly from the dashboard.
Entering your timesheet
- Hover over Timesheets from the main menu bar at the top of the screen
- Select create
- You will then be prompted to select the placement from the drop down box to enter time against
- Then select the week ending date (you can use the provided calendar pop-up)
After selecting the period you will be presented with the relevant placement information and underneath that a blank timesheet form similar to the screen shot shown below: Enter the relevant units as applicable for the period selected.
If you have multiple rates available in the same working day, within your contract you can click on the green plus to add time and select the appropriate item from the additional rate drop-down.
You can click on Save As Draft (at the very bottom of the timesheet) to store the timesheet which will allow you to return to this information to edit.
Once you have completed your timesheet click on the Save And Submit button, your timesheet will be sent to your Manager for approval.
Please note: You will not be able to make any further edits once the timesheet has been submitted for approval.
The deadline for your timesheet must include the completed client approval so please ensure that you submit your timesheet promptly.
Draft timesheets
If you have created timesheets and saved them previously without submitting, you can still access them by selecting Drafts from the Timesheet menu.
If you have multiple draft timesheets you wish to submit for approval, tick the box in the Submit column against the applicable timesheet and click on Submit. If you need to access a specific timesheet, click on the number in the ID column to view, edit, or submit.
Submitted timesheets
If you need to check the status of your submitted timesheets, you can use your dashboard and see the status, or use the Unauthorised, Approved or Rejected options from the Timesheets menu.
By clicking the timesheet ID you can also see a detailed view of that timesheet. Note that you can only modify rejected timesheets.
Entering your expenses
Go to the expenses menu at the top of the screen and hit create, you will then be prompted to select the client and placement you wish to claim against.
Once you have entered these details, you will be presented with a blank expenses claim form.
Select the correct type of expense and description from the provided dropdowns. Once you have filled in all the required fields hit save. You will then get a summary of your expenses. If you need to edit your claim please click the Edit button option. Once you have finished your claim, click Submit.
Submitted expenses
If you need to check details of your submitted expense claim, or to see if your manager has approved them, click Unauthorised, Approved or Rejected on the Expenses menu.
You can now view the status and summary of your submitted expense claim. By clicking the relevant expense item you will be able to see a detailed view of the expense. Note that you will only be able to modify rejected expense claims.
Our model is self-billing and therefore there is no need for you to submit an invoice. Essentially you will receive a remittance from us that contains all of the details you require for your own accounts.
Compliance documents
You can use the Compliance option on the menu bar, to view any assigned documents or information requests, click view in the last column of the document list.
When you login to RSM In-Time for the first time we require that you read and sign the self-billing agreement that has been updated in line with our new pay and bill system. We ask that this is completed at the same time you create and submit your first timesheet.
To accept the document, click on the reference which will direct you to an actions area where you can change the status. Click Confirm Action to accept the document and submit a file.
Viewing profile information
There are two types of profile information available, they are:
Select Clients from the Profiles menu, this provides details relating to all clients who you are assigned to. Select Placements from the Profiles menu, this will provide you a list of all active placements that you are responsible for. You can obtain more information relating to the placement by clicking on details report.
Contacting Our RSM In-Time Support Team
You can contact us on:
Phone - 01772 278050
Email -
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