What is a LIMS Project?

Usually, a LIMS project is either the implementation of a LIMS or migrating systems from a previous LIMS. From time to time a specific project may be needed to integrate a new system or add a new location into an existing LIMS setup – developments that are beyond business as usual (BAU) scope.

The industry handles these as specific projects for just that reason – they’re beyond what can be done as BAU. With most LIMS systems needed constantly, it’s difficult to simply shut them down while the work is done.Instead, a LIMS project manager and possibly other specialists will be brought in.

Making Your LIMS Project a Success
The first and most essential step in any of these projects is scoping. Know what needs to be done and note it down clearly – avoid scope creep. Scope creep leads to missed deadlines, cut corners, or more staff being needed; any of these can result in the project being a failure.

At the same time, don’t under-assess what you need. Setting up a system that doesn’t actually do what’s needed is a surefire way to lose engagement with the product in your team. Down the line, that results in clumsy workarounds rather than the system behaving as intended.

Once you know what needs to be done, the next important question is when it has to be done by. These two pieces of information together can tell you how big a team you’ll need to get it down. It may be that you’ll only need one widely-experienced consultant. However, it might be that you need a large team headed by a project manager.

This is the point where you need to start the recruitment process. Talk to an experienced consultant ahead of your LIMS project and they’ll be able to bring you a shortlist of candidates hand-chosen to match your requirements.

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